👉 Spring Equinox: How to Find Your Life Purpose & Step Into a New Season of Growth

Find Your Purpose

The Spring Equinox is a time of balance, renewal, and new beginnings. Just as nature shifts into a new season, this is your invitation to embrace change in your own life. If you’ve been feeling stuck, questioning your purpose, or sensing that something more is waiting for you—now is the time to align with your intuition and take action. This post will guide you through how to find your life purpose, trust your inner wisdom, and step into a season of transformation.

Have you ever felt stuck in a job you hate, wondering what you’re “supposed” to be doing with your life?

The frustration is real. You wake up feeling unfulfilled, questioning if you’re truly on the right path. Maybe you dread Mondays, feel stuck in the same routines, or sense that something bigger is waiting for you—but you have no idea what it is or how to find it.

Maybe you’ve even asked Spirit for an answer:

👐 “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?”
👐 “How do I find my life purpose?”
👐 “I feel like I’m meant for more… What is it?!”

But nothing changes. The clarity never comes.

Here’s the hard truth: Spirit will never tell you what you’re “supposed” to do.

And that’s because you’re not “supposed” to do anything. You have free will—which means your purpose isn’t assigned to you, it’s something you discover.

Why Spirit Won’t Tell You Your Life’s Purpose

A client recently asked me to consult her guides about what job or career she’s meant to have. She’s miserable at work but convinced she can’t leave because she “won’t be able to find another job that pays as much” or “I need the flexibility to manage my life.”

This is where so many people get stuck. They wait for Spirit, the Universe, or some divine force to hand them the answers. But Spirit doesn’t work that way.

According to Universal Law, we all have free will. Spirit cannot—and will not—dictate your life path for you. Instead, you’re here to discover what excites your soul, what ignites your passion, and what aligns with who you truly are.

And here’s the key: this process is actually just listening to your intuition.

Your intuition is your soul speaking to you—it’s that inner knowing that nudges you toward something, even when you can’t logically explain why. Learning to trust your intuition is the secret to unlocking clarity, alignment, and the opportunities waiting for you.

This is exactly what I talk about in my work and on my podcast, Intuition Unleashed. Your intuition is the bridge between what your soul desires and how you create it in the physical world. The more you tune into it, the more aligned and effortless your decisions become.

“But I Can’t Leave My Job—What About Stability, Money, and Security?”

I hear this fear all the time.

💭 “I need to keep this job because it gives me the flexibility to take care of my family.”
💭 “No other job will let me balance work and life the way this one does.”
💭 “If I change careers now, I’ll lose my financial security.”
💭 “I won’t be able to find another job that pays as much as I make now.”
💭 “It’s too late for me to start over at this stage in my life.”

I get it. The need for stability—financial, emotional, and practical—is real. But here’s the truth: there are more options than you think.

Whether you’re balancing work with raising a family, nearing retirement but feeling unfulfilled, or just wondering if it’s too late to start something new, your beliefs about what’s possible could be keeping you stuck.

Instead of assuming:
❌ “This is the only job that gives me stability.”
❌ “I can’t make this much money anywhere else.”
❌ “Starting over would mean sacrificing too much.”

Try shifting the question to:

✅ “What if there’s an opportunity that allows me to have security AND fulfillment?”
✅ “How can I create a career that aligns with my needs and my desires?”
✅ “What if my belief that ‘no other job will allow me this balance’ is actually keeping me stuck?”
✅ “What if there’s a way for me to make MORE money in a job I actually enjoy?”
✅ “What if this next chapter of my life is supposed to be the most fulfilling one yet?”

The reality is, when you open yourself up to possibilities, Spirit steps in to create miracles and infinite opportunities—ones you couldn’t have planned if you tried.

Spirit doesn’t need you to figure it all out today—you just need to be willing to explore. Ask for guidance, set the intention for your highest and best good, and then get out of the way and trust.

Stop Asking “What Am I Supposed to Do?”—Ask This Instead

If Spirit isn’t going to hand you the answer, how do you find clarity?

Instead of asking, “What career should I have?” shift your focus to these powerful questions:

🔥 What do I love doing that makes me feel alive?
🔥 What kind of work would challenge me in a way that excites me?
🔥 How can I serve others in a way that feels fulfilling?
🔥 What strengths and talents do I naturally have?
🔥 What do I want to experience every day in my work?

By shifting your focus from obligation to desire, you allow Spirit to guide you—not with orders, but with inspiration, opportunities, and synchronicities that lead you toward a path that truly excites you.

Universal Laws: The Secret to Manifesting Career Clarity

Spirit operates within Universal Laws, and understanding them can change the way you approach finding your purpose.

💡 The Law of Free Will: Spirit honors your autonomy. You have the power to choose, and clarity comes when you take responsibility for what you truly desire.

💡 The Law of Attraction: When you shift your mindset from fear (“I’ll never find another job”) to possibility (“I am open to the right opportunity finding me”), you begin attracting better options.

💡 The Law of Inspired Action: You can’t just wish for a new career—you have to start exploring, learning, and opening yourself to new possibilities. The moment you take a step, Spirit meets you halfway.

💡 The Law of Surrender: Ask for your highest and best good, then get out of the way. Let Spirit do what it does best—create divine opportunities beyond what you could have imagined.  Miracles Happen!

How to Start Moving Toward Work That Feels Right for You

1️⃣ Get Curious. Follow your interests. Your curiosity is guiding you somewhere.

2️⃣ Let Go of “How.” Instead of controlling every step, ask for guidance and trust what shows up.

3️⃣ Make Space for Possibility. Shift your thoughts from “There’s no way out” to “I’m open to new opportunities finding me.”

4️⃣ Ask Spirit to work in your highest and best good. Instead of micromanaging the details, surrender. Say:
“Show me the next step for my highest and best good, and I will follow.”

5️⃣ Take One Inspired Action. Research a new field, apply for that job you’ve been hesitant about, take a class, or network with people who are doing work you admire. The Universe responds when you take the first step.

Final Thoughts: You Are Not Stuck—You’re Just Asking the Wrong Questions

Spirit isn’t withholding answers from you. It’s waiting for you to decide.

So, what do you really want?

The Spring Equinox reminds us that change is natural—and necessary. Just as the seasons shift, so do we. If you’ve been waiting for a sign, this is it. The energy of renewal is here, and Spirit is ready to co-create with you. Ask for guidance, take inspired action, and trust that what’s unfolding is leading you exactly where you need to be.

Call to Action: Ready for Deeper Clarity?

If you’re ready to stop feeling stuck and start creating the life and career you truly desire, let’s work together.

👉 Click here to book free 15 minute clarity session with me

Want to dive deeper into how listening to your intuition can help you unlock your purpose? Tune into my podcast, Intuition Unleashed, where I break down how to trust your inner guidance and step into your power.

🎧 Click here to listen to Intuition Unleashed now

Not sure where to start? My book “Cut the Shit: Reframe Your Thinking, Regain Your Life” is the perfect guide to help you shift your mindset, stop feeling stuck, and take action toward the life you truly want.

📖 Click here to start your journey with Cut the Shit

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