Living Beyond Pain and Stress: Strategies for Mental Fitness, Mind-Body Connection, and Personal Liberation with Michele Johnson


Michele Johnson, a.k.a. The Stress Strategist, is a Duke Trained Physician Associate, CEO of The Pain Free PA Consulting Firm, ICF Certified Life Coach, Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Trainer & International Best-Selling Author. 

In this episode, Michele helps us find our way back – to ourselves. She will share tips on how you can reconnect to your inner being, bring awareness to the present moment, and foster a connection with yourself and those around you. Let’s explore how we can tap into our five senses to find our way back to self-love and self-care.

What you will learn from this episode:

  • Uncover the answer to many of life’s anxieties that is simply at your fingertips.
  • Learn to reconnect to yourself and be human again.
  • Discover how to be aware and conscious of your five senses to attain mental health and wellbeing.


“When you tap into the completeness of your mind, body connection, the completeness of your intuition, the reconnection with other people, reconnection with your vision, mental fitness, it really gives you the wholeness of a life.”– Michele Johnson


Topics Covered:

01:57 – Michele’s ideal client: I attract those high achieving leaders and teens who are bouncing back from a stressful event.

03:16 – The problem that Michele solves for her clients: I saw that mental anguish and stuck-ness that is making us sick.

05:15 – You are the puzzle piece that everyone’s looking for

06:20 – Seeing the power of motivational interviewing of patients

08:26 – Talking about physicians not having the specialty to do mental health issues

09:51 – Common mistakes people make before consulting Michele: First common mistake is leaning into someone else’s intuition.

11:47 – Discussing the issue about ‘trusting oneself’

12:25 – Michele’s Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Get into your body. Get into your five senses!

15:58 – How listening to birds’ song can help with depression

16:21 – What it means to be being mindful and being present in your body

17:29 – Michele’s Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Want to join Michele for a FREE roundtable discussion about best practices? Click here:

18:53 – Take Five: one exercise you can do right now that combines touch, breathing and presence

20:31 – Q: How do you reconnect? A: “The connectedness that we’re yearning for really exists in getting out of our heads.”

23:16 – What it means to ‘live in the magic of life’

24:10 – Upcoming events to help you practice your muscles of self-compassion, self-acceptance, and your ability to be present

25:44 – The passion behind Michele’s work

26:49 – Defining personal liberation

28:26 – Sharing about her book: Pain Free: How to Live a Full Life Despite Chronic Pain

Key Takeaways:

“Biggest mistake I see is that disconnection between what you really want and paying attention to what someone else says.”– Michele Johnson

“Did you know that listening to bird sounds, [you don’t even have to listen to a real bird, you can record bird songs] causes positive mental effects to combat depression for up to eight hours.” – Michele Johnson

“My understanding of personal liberation requires action. You’ve done something, uncovered something, exposed something, stepped into something that has made you free, free to be all of you.” – Michele Johnson

“Everywhere you go, to show up in your genius and in your imperfection all the time. And be okay with it.”– Michele Johnson



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